papillary layer

  • 乳头层
papillary layerpapillary layer
  1. The observation of the vessel construction about the papillary layer of thenar and hypothenar with SEM


  2. The result shows that epidermis layer is thinner than that of other animal , the dividing ling is clear between papillary layer and reticular layer .


  3. Microscopic changes : edema and gentle hyperemia exist in papillary layer of dermis 1 day later .


  4. Microscopic changes : spongiosis and blisters formed in epidermis , hyperemia and edema existed in papillary layer of dermis .


  5. Results : In the earlier stage of melanoma , there were a lot of high endothelium venule-like blood vessels with many lymphocytes passing through the wall of them in the papillary layer and around the cancer .


  6. Our conclusion is that : there are 6 types of vascular network in the papillary layer of skin . We also described the vascular construction of the sub papillary layer , the subcutaneous layer and the deeP fascia .


  7. CONCLUSION : The ADM prepared by the improved method reveals an important characteristic : there is no basement membrane and dermal papillary layer , and less amounts of xenogeneic antigens are retained than that prepared by the other two methods .


  8. At the boundary between the papillary layer and reticular layer , the collagen fiber has a small quantity and its weave is loose , which weakens the connection of this two layers , if treated improperly , the skin would tend to separate into two layers .


  9. Results Microscopy revealed that pigskin collagen fibril had periodic transverse groove ( i. e. D periodicity ) which was about 67 nm . The diameter of fibril ranged from 57 to 135 nm , showing much difference among the papillary layer , reticular layer and infra reticular layer .


  10. Optics microscope showed : On the seventh day after operation dermic papillary and reticular layer existed , the epidermis was thinner but germinative layer cells arrayed tidily like pillar , and there were many hair follicle and sebaceous gland .


  11. Criteria measured were : thicknesses of epidermis , papillary layers , inter-mediate layer and reticular layer ;
